Sekers MD’s Statement on COVID-19

You’ll be aware that Sekers Fabrics have continued to work hand-in-hand with Wemyss Fabrics following the management buy-out of 2018. We remain united (albeit 2m apart!) and open for business – but don’t just hear it from us. Here’s a joint statement from our Managing Directors to keep you informed on the action we’re taking at present:

We would like to re-assure all of our customers that we are fully operational during the COVID-19 outbreak, whilst at the same time doing as much as possible to safeguard the well-being of our staff and local community.

We have been following the NHS and government advice and have taken measures to ensure the working environment is as safe as possible, including remote working for many of our employees. We will continue to monitor developments very closely in order that we can adapt our working environment and provide the best level of service available to our customers throughout this difficult period.

Our customer services sales team are available to answer any queries, process orders and assist you so please feel free to contact us in the normal way. Your area account manager will also be able to assist you with any queries, sample requests or updates.

Please be safe and healthy and we thank you for your support.

– Managing Directors Ian Tatnell and Ian Worf

of Sekers Fabrics and Wemyss Fabrics, respectively

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